Fw: [Steppes] Steppes fighter levy:

ironwyrm@juno.com ironwyrm at juno.com
Tue Aug 12 11:05:51 PDT 2003

On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 21:07:26 -0500 "jwains" <jwains at saintmail.net>
> If my spring break coincides with the week of GW.  Do
> we have a date for GW yet?
> Julianna

March 15th. thru 21st.

Our Ladies from the Steppes led by our Baroness did a great job on the
siege engines two years ago and we would welcome their assistance again
at Gulf XIII.  

Our regular siege crews are not likely to return to duty on the big bolt
& rock throwers as most discovered the joys of combat crossbow or bow
during the last war.  These siege engineers need to be replaced with
armored & trained volunteers by the end of the year.  It would seem as
though organizing some siege workshops might be in order, I'll discuss it
with our other marshals and see what we can work out.

After all what good are the siege engines going to do us if we don't have
the warm bodies to man them?


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