[Steppes] Newbie Lessons

lizdenpeters@juno.com lizdenpeters at juno.com
Tue Sep 16 06:51:30 PDT 2003

On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 08:15:55 -0500 "Morgan Cain \(Ansteorra\)"
<morgancain at earthlink.net> writes:
> > Would it be feasible to have some sort of a Newbie meeting to help 
(Snip!)person to ask questions then.
> And, oh yeah, be sure to wear your sunscreen at outdoor events.  
> I've seen
> even experienced people get toasted.

Other helpful things -- besides sunscreen, a straw hat or paper parasol
will help.  

And do not forget insect repellent.  The weather is still mild enough for
these critters.  Besides the usual bees, yellow jackets, etc., mosquitos
are a real issue.  On this morning's new broadcast, they said there were
three additional confirmed cases of West Nile in our area.

Also, when the weather gets cooler, many people are not as careful about
staying hydrated as they are in hot weather.  Be sure and drink plenty of
water.  If you don't need to void every 1-2 hours at an event, you are
not drinking enough.  This is from personal experience as one of the
first fall events I attended, I became sick from getting overheated and
dehydrated.  And, since it was not a hot day, I (in my ignorance) thought
that couldn't possibly be the problem!

Be sure to wear comfortable shoes.  Even if you don't intend to, you will
be doing a lot of walking.  Blistered feet at an event are no fun.  I did
this at my first Warlord.

But most important -- enjoy our current Middle Ages!


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