[Steppes] Clothier's Guild

Catalina Damiana Sanabria Rosado de Xerez ladycatalina at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 11 15:31:37 PDT 2003

   I have had the Clothier's Guild for a little over four years now. I would 
like to thank the people who have come out and taught classes for newcomers, 
Lady Ann the Spinster, HL Philip White, Morgan Cain and Lady Toryn. I don't 
think I've forgotten anyone, but if I have , my deepest apologies. I would 
also like to thank people who have helped me on sewing projects. Lady Ann 
the Spinster, Esmerelda, Lady Osanna de Burgh and Lady Sunnifa Eiriksdottir. 
However, I feel the time has come for me to pass along the torch. December 4 
will be the last meeting where I will be the "head" of the Guild. Whoever 
decides to pick up the torch and continue on is free to ask me to host 
meetings occasionally. I thank all of you for allowing me to serve the 
Barony for this time.

Yours in service,
Lady Catalina
(aka Elspeth de Forbeys)


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