[Steppes] new email list for Fighter PRactice

Michael Smith morganbuchanan at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 21 12:34:14 PDT 2004

We've created an email list for folks who want to talk fighting and fighter stuff in the Steppes.  We were using another list but were causing some bandwidth issues for that group.  I'm sure that Hrafn, the new Knight Marshal, will continue to post important announcements to the Steppes list, so if you're only interested in the important stuff, no big deal.  The list is for communication of the little stuff like personal challenges, where we're going to eat after practice, and so on.  The list is currently open and unmoderated, but if we start getting spam on it, we'll restrict it in the future.  Feel free to join if you're interested.


Morgan, Centurion 

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