[Steppes] SteppesLetter late this month - reports needed

G. Major ginger.major at verizon.net
Tue Jun 1 08:59:58 PDT 2004

This will be the "Oh dear, it's that date already?" issue of the
SteppesLetter. Warlord crept up on me and coincided with my children's last
week of school; the past couple of days my nightime computer usage has been
nil because of the storms. I nearly lost my computer "baby" last night, and
from now on, if it's storming, I'm *not* working.

I am hoping to have this mailed by Saturday morning.

I have received almost no reports - not a problem, I understand with Warlord
and everything else that has been occuring. If you are *not* going to send a
report, please reply off-list and let me know so I can go ahead and delete
your "space". If you *want* to send a report, please do so by tomorrow
(Thursday) evening. I have a Baronial missive (and *I* am the one
horrendously late this month, when that came in days in advance of the
deadline!) and Clothier's.

If anyone has pictures already up from Warlord, or any poems/recipes/etc
that you'd like to submit, I would be ever so grateful to receive them.

Thank you for your support and understanding.


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