[Steppes] A Passing in the Royal Pack of Ansteorra

Crystal Lamb clamb at Advocacyinc.org
Tue Jun 29 07:59:23 PDT 2004

I knew Lucky.  He was a graceful and very special friend.  He ruled the
couch with doleful eyes.  He knew how to commiserate.  He also knew how
to party.  He rejoiced upon your return home, and was saddened to see
you leave.  He knew how to eat too much, and roll about in agony....and
let you know about it.  In short:  Lucky was loved, and knew how to
return the favor.  Would that we would live a life such as this.  

This week marks a year since we lost another special friend....our wolf
dog Sandy:  a dog even the ATF loved.  Grant that at the Bridge a
distant howl greets Lucky, as well as a familiar voice beside that howl.


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