[Steppes] children's Activities Schedule

Tom Parr seamusofelfsea at yahoo.com
Fri May 21 13:21:46 PDT 2004

Well that was supposed to be private but alas, woe and anon it is Friday.....
but With putting this out publicly I challenge all heralds who read this to come and join me Sunday morning to give back to our children who are our future....
Without heraldry where would they be?
-=Lord Seamus O Dubhda
Golden Staff

Tom Parr <seamusofelfsea at yahoo.com> wrote:
If his majesty releases me I will come and help with the children's heraldry on Sunday....


Kellie H wrote:
Thank you for your response, milady. The schedule follows.


9am--10am Dancing
10am--11am Leather work
11am--12pm "Stained Glass"
noon--1:30pm LUNCH--Parents pick up children
1:30--2pm Hoops
2pm--3pm Origami
3pm Parents pick up children

9am--10am Scavenger Hunt
10am--11am Heraldry
11am--12pm Charter Painting
noon--1:30pm LUNCH--parents pick up children
1:30--2pm Hoops
2pm--3pm Finish all projects
3pm Parents pick up children

"Olivia G. Rodriguez" wrote:


I shall do an hour on Saturn's day. Could I see a list of activities planned so that I may choose where to help or do you need a specific time filled?



---Carper Diem Ex Ill Vitae Op prime!
--------- Original Message ---------
DATE: Fri, 21 May 2004 12:49:49From: Kellie H To: Steppes , glassily ,linden wood 
Greetings Friends and Neighbors,

As of today, I have no names on my sign up sheets to help with children's activities at Warlord. I can't do it alone, and the teachers can't teach without helpers. If I don't get some volunteers to commit to a time slot, I will be forced to suspend children's activities and send your kids back to you for the entire day. Not my favorite plan...I hope not yours, either. 
If you're a parent, you should help out. If you're not, you will be doing a greater good deed. 
Please respond to the address above to volunteer an hour or two of your time; thank you very much, indeed.

CA Coordinator

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