[Steppes] Joint War Practice with Combat Archery - Post review - 1 1/07/2004

Mike meggiddo at netzero.net
Tue Nov 9 06:50:37 PST 2004

Thank You to Lady Allessandra di Giovanni for the update for both Her 
Grace, Duchess Conal Alexandra O'Riordain and Justinian, man-at-arms to 
Elfsea Knight Marshal, Daire.

The only way I knew about Justinian was that he was with Lady 
Allessandra when we went to dinner after the practice, you two at one 
end and I at the other end of 4 tables.

Offer up my apologizes to Duchess Conal, Justinian and Daire.

I should have realized that with Duke Miguel was in attendance, his 
lovely wife, Duchess Conal would be also. I had glance over to where the 
rapier folks where fighting in between my other activities that day only 
a couple of times. I guess those few times, Her Grace was on the field 
and fighting, thus I missed seeing her.

Michael Fray

<snip all below>

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