[Steppes] IT Takes a Village

kellie H kgsfa86 at swbell.net
Tue Oct 26 07:57:34 PDT 2004

Greetings all, 
 When Ryan was born, a very kind neighbor organized the neighborhood to bring our family food each evening so we could eat a decent meal without having to cook or go out, for about two weeks.  It was a huge blessing to us, and I would like to do the same thing for our frineds, Clare, Michael and baby Noah.   
If you would like to participate in this effort, pleas email me off list or call me to volunteer for a specific night.  If you cannot make it to Oak Cliff to deliver the food yourself, you may deliver it to me, or I will come pick it up if I can.      
If you have not been a new parent, you cannot know what a great service you do at such a small price.  If you have, you will appreciate even more what you are doing for this new family.   I know they will appreciate it very much.  
Thank you very much, 

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