[Steppes] Cathars - Was Living in the past

Vicki Marsh xaraxene at comcast.net
Wed Sep 8 21:08:26 PDT 2004

Anne asked,

Dear Xene, (Okay, so I added the Dear - I always liked Dear Abby)

"If all these sects practiced strict celibacy how did they keep from dying
after one generation?  Did their followers come from new converts?  Just
doesn't sound like a very sound practice for the survival of the species."

Dear Anne,

Not all of them were the "prefecti".  The rest of the ordinary slobs just
had to get married, go through the "sinful" activity of having sex and the
resultant offspring, but the spouses were refered to as "my sin".  (I don't
remember the source of that one, though....) Right before the non-prefecti
died, they would take the vows of celibacy and whatever else they had to do
in order to become "prefecti" - and they would die and go to their form of
heaven. I guess if you had an untimely demise, or didn't time everything
just right, you were just doomed to an eternity in hell.

The Cathars were a doomed bunch, especially because they exposed the rampant
corruption and non-celibate activites of the Catholic church.  Which one of
the reasons that the pope ordered them all to be massacred. Afterwards,
though, the Catholic church got more serious about that celibacy thing, all
the while stomping out any heretical movement.

Your favorite Byzantine,


Food for thought - is the source of the word "Bogeyman" related to the

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