[Steppes] An item of interest to a few of us

ylwrose2@juno.com ylwrose2 at juno.com
Wed Jan 7 18:11:39 PST 2004

I have just learned of the following and thought I would share it:

<snip from permission form from Andre and Dante's Latin instructor>
"On January 9, a troupe of British actors will be at the University of
Dallas giving a performance dressed as Romans.  They bring equipment
replicated from ancient records and dress the parts as well.  Legion
XIIII, as they are known, has been invited to the United States to share
with us their expertise and excitement about the Romans." 

The notice says the performance time is 9:45 am, but does not mention the

This is all I have.  I would love to hear from anyone who may be able to

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