[Steppes] Fighter Practice yesterday

Michael Smith morganbuchanan at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 19 17:56:58 PDT 2004

Just wanted to mention to everyone what a fantastic fighter practice we had yesterday!  We had 4 members of the Chivalry, all with Counties, in armour and fighting, with nother in attendance!  We had 7 other fighters as well.  So anyone who was thinking about it but didn't come out, WOW, did you miss an opportunity to fight and train and learn!  The weather was beautiful, the breeze was nice....

Will next week be as good?  Gosh, it'd be hard to top.  But I can guarantee a few things.  1)  You won't get any better sitting on your couch at home.  2)  If YOU show up, regardless of who you are, the practice is better for everyone!

Yours in service to the Steppes
Centurion Morgan
Knight Marshal

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