[Steppes] Library at Steppes Warlord

Ciard49@aol.com Ciard49 at aol.com
Thu May 27 08:46:23 PDT 2004

Greetings Good Gentles,

At Steppes Warlord this year we shall hold the first of what I hope will be 
many gatherings of a Library at events. 

Please bring your books to share for the weekend. All subjects are welcome. 
Children's Books are very welcome, and the young folks will have their own 
separate area.

Bring your historical, craft, and source books from your fields of interest. 
Books with pictures are always useful. Folks are not going to have a lot of 
time to read. 

Transporting your books in milk crates will make them easier to carry, and 
the crates will become our bookshelves. Please put your name on your milk crate. 
An extra crate would be welcome. 

It would be faster at the check-in table if everyone makes sure ahead of time 
that your name is inside each of your books. A return address label works 
good for this.

The books will be checked in and out only to their owners, and never leave 
the guarded area.
Please bring two copies of your book list. You will keep one and we keep the 
other to double check when you pick up your books. 

I have never had any trouble with things disappearing or getting damaged in 
the library, as we are all on our honor in the SCA, but someone will be on duty 
at all times. Volunteers?? 

The Library will gladly accept class handouts, pictures, or other articles to 
add to our files.

Having run such a Library numerous times for the Royal University in 
Meridies, I say to those who would object to sharing by declaring "I paid too much for 
my books" come see my Book of Kells, purchased in Ireland at Tara.

The populace has always generously joined in and gathered many shelves of 
books, and enjoyed viewing the complete collection of National Geographic 
Historical maps, and articles on SCA topics gleaned from Tournaments Illuminated, 
class notes, and other sources.

There will be a copier available. Donations will be gratefully accepted to 
cover cost of toner, paper, etc.

Come, cool off, study, and relax at the Steppes Warlord Library.

Yours in Service

HL Ciar nic Ruadhan O'Seachnasaigh
MoAS, Barony of the Steppes

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