AlKudsi@aol.com AlKudsi at aol.com
Wed Sep 8 21:46:27 PDT 2004

TWO demos on the same day and in the same general region.  That's pretty 
good, you know!  

So here's my two cents worth...if you have no plans to leave town for 
Thanksgiving, consider giving up some time to put on a demo for a group we used to 
demo regularly...North Texas Mensa.  We have a lot of SCA folk who are also 
Mensans (or is it Mensans who are also in the SCA???hmmmm), and we used to put on 
demos for them at their Regional Gathering over Thanksgiving.  It has been a 
number of years since the last one, but the program chair contacted me (knowing 
I'm in both groups) and asked me if Steppes would be willing to do it again.  
They are willing to let us demo fighting, arts, bardcraft, and possibly, 
merchants will be allowed space to sell for several hours.  Just think about it 
and let me know offlist if you are interested.

HL Saqra

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