[Steppes] Inkle weaving demo tomorrow?

AlKudsi@aol.com AlKudsi at aol.com
Fri Sep 10 16:44:48 PDT 2004

Warping is both the easiest and hardest part of the whole inkle weaving 
process -- and the card weaving process, too.  It is where (unless you are doing 
pickup or brocading) the creativity comes into play -- which makes it hard -- 
but the basic technique is pretty easy.

You'll need #3 or #5 perle cotton or some other cotton or linen thread 
(available at Walmart or Hobby Lobby in the embroidery section or the craft 
section), heavier than embroidery thread, but not so large that it crowds things for 
the heddles; and you'll need a supply of warp material -- Walmart or Hobby 
Lobby has a nice cheap all-cotton crocheting yarn that is heavy enough for a belt 
called "Sugar 'n Cream" and Hobby Lobby has one that is a bit finer and has a 
nicer finish called "Sinfonia".  Don't get anything wool, or acrylics that are 
too fuzzy, because they will felt or "pill" as you weave, plus acrylics can 
really stretch at irregular rates. And you'll need a shuttle.  That's about 
it...oh, and scissors.  Give me a call, and if I can't come to the demo, you can 
stop by my house on your way (remember, you are only 2 minutes away!), and 
I'll help you get started.   Then you can take it to the demo and work with the 
other weavers to put on a nice demo.

And if I can brag on my Laurel mundanely, Kalida just won a First Place in 
the Professional/Teacher category for one of her ceramic pieces at the State 
Fair.  My ceramic piece popped a divot in the finish when I put it down on the 
table to turn it in for judging, but still managed an Honorable Mention, and I 
made two inkle-woven lengths into a nice handbag which placed Third.   Did 
anyone else in the Barony enter anything and win?


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