[Steppes] Youth Combatants

Suzi Moore suzipdm at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 2 15:23:22 PST 2005

Quoted from an e-mail to Duke Patrick Michael:

I am mother to a 16yo that will probably be first on the adult field (if he 
gets his way).  I contacted a CPS worker and talked with her about the 
possible ramifications.  She said that as long as the parent was present and 
could stop the bout if they felt their child was in danger, there should not 
be a legal problem.  That said, I feel that the parent should be required to 
be present while their minor is fighting.  Unfortunately, this makes melee 
situations a little questionable.

On a related note, I talked with Caius (my son) about what he felt prepared 
him for fighting with the adults.  We both know it was the extra training he 
has received as a page to Lord Louis (in Glaslyn).  Therefore, we would like 
to suggest that youth that wish to move to the adult level be required to 
serve as a page for at least 6 months to an experienced fighter (knight 
preferrably) that is not their parents.  Children are often more willing to 
listen to adults  other than their parents.  My son has learned a great deal 
about fighting from his Lord, true,  but also has learned about knightly 
virtues, armor making, and how to carve meat and serve meals.  Serving as a 
page fits into the medieval "ideal" we are trying to create and provides 
another adult opinion when you are authorizing the minor as an adult.

I don't have a problem with MY son being on the field with adults because I 
know what training he has received and what he is capable of doing.  
However, that does not apply to all the minors that will want to pursue 
authorization.  I like the idea of one person doing the authorization so all 
the youth can be held to the same standards.

Lady Micola Soranzo
Central Region Youth Marshal

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