[Steppes] Populace and Red Tape recap.

Steppes Seneschal steppes.seneschal at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 18:42:20 PST 2005

And this is how populace went…

Harafn Olafsson (Knight marshal)
There is less than 2 months before Gulf War, with 2 war practices
between then and now.   The new authorization cards are not in yet.
--- UPDATE --- (Seneschal) 
At Red Tape this past Saturday, several of us got our new cards.  So
they exist, but I am not sure how disseminated they are at this point.

Allessandra Di Giovanni (Equestrian marshal) 
STILL looking for a new practice place.  Show season is in two months,
we will then start promoting for new horsemen in the area.

Brenainn Mac Giolla Pha'draig (Demo coordinator)
NTIF demo is March 4th – 6th
SMU Medieval Faire is April 1st  (no joke)
Prince of Peace school, Medieval Merriment also April 1st
FYI - for the last 2, one is in the morning the other is in the afternoon.

Lady Linet Grey (Archery marshal)
Cold but still planning to practice (we did – see Linet's earlier
post).  Garb is especially encouraged for the next couple of weeks, we
have someone interested in doing an article on SCA archery and our
group.   They plan to be at one of the practices in the future.  In
addition there are several upcoming events with archery listed on the
kingdom calendar.

And so ended the business portion of the program.  A couple of topics
came up.  Of particular note, the game boards, and the lack of
completed pieces.  I am just as guilty as others are in this.  Here is
the problem, it has fallen on the hand of a few to complete a task
that our barony will be credited with.  Not really fair is it?  The
only way to correct this is for those of us who have not taken a kit
to do so ASAP.  Get with Gerita to help with this.

I had intended to wrap the meeting rather quickly, let the party
portion of the evening ensue and quietly go home to sleep.  Ironwyrm,
Linet and I all had need to travel to Red Tape the next morning  at 4
AM, get our various warrants and classes taken care of, and then drive
home.  Oh, I left something out. The drive was shown to be 4 hours in
length, and the first meeting was at 9:00, again, AM.  So, was I a
bright little Seneschal and did I leave populace at 9 PM to get plenty
of sleep?  In a word, no.

I learned a trick.  Even though you rationally know that you have had
2 hours of sleep, you can lie to yourself and say, "That was the BEST
8 hours of sleep I have ever had!"  The only difficult part of this
belief is hearing the snores from the back seat as you drive on,
hoping dawn would hurry up and get started.

The GOOFS (Great Officers of State) meeting was much better than I had
ever hoped.  I expect that I will be going regularly from now on.

The new warrant cards are being issued and they look to be good till
2009.   The minors in combat rules were passed, but only the Earl
Marshal (Patrick Michael) can authorize these fighters.   He looks to
have a good control of the situation, and I don't expect any problems.

The original waiver we sign at events, and for combat, must be sent to
the Waver Secretary each month and 30 days after an event.  Their use
in court (modern) has been proven. It goes like this: Man falls,
breaks leg.  Hospital files on his insurance for broken leg. 
Insurance Company goes to a judge, saying 'hey the SCA is responsible
for this, make them pay.'  Waver Secretary show Judge the waiver. 
Judge tells insurance company 'away with ye and trouble them no more.'
 Kingdom Seneschal does the happy dance.   Now it all makes sense to
me!  Again, the Waver Secretary must have the original, and I need a
copy in case something happens to that original.

Modius has created a disk with things that would be of benefit for
demo's and people new to the SCA.  Part of it has a news piece from
CBS news.  I think it is the bit filmed at Gulf War two or three years
ago.  He also suggested that we try not to use the term "mundane" as
we do.  "Modern" is a better way of saying the same thing.   On a
different note, we now are third in number of paid members in
Ansteorra, 127.  Elfsea has 155 and Bryn Gwlad has 202.

One last thing, looks like we have a new canton, Hounds Rest.  It is
over in the Greenville area, but I have no other details at this time.

Ok, you have put up with enough of me for one night, go get some sleep.

Jon Rolfsson

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