[Steppes] Garage Sale announcement

Morgan Cain (Ret.) morgancain at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 4 17:01:16 PDT 2005

Please excuse the commercial.

Just letting y'all know, my next-door neighbor is having a garage sale next 
Saturday (the 11th) and I am joining her (or leaving my stuff with her if 
work has me in some other state, which I'm hoping against).  Not much SCA 
stuff anymore, but I did find pockets of trim (no, Ches, not the Ansteorran) 
and cording in the crafts room, as well as some fabric chunks that might do 
for garb.  Plus a LOT of yarn, mostly the high-end wool and cotton and such, 
including some cones.  If I find the Stash O' Cotton Embroidery Floss that 
will probably go in at a nickel each; I did find some silk floss but that 
will be higher priced.  Hopefully my quasi-oriental rugs will be returned 
from the person who borrowed them for Warlord and those will be for sale.

Not sure what will be in the sale as I am continuing to clean, this being a 
rare weekend at home for me.  Non-SCA things include children's books and 
toys, women's clothing (if you're my size, no snarking), embroidery and 
needlework kits, sewing patterns (girls and ladies), decorated computer 
papers, and at least one comforter (too warm for me), an alarm clock, some 
cooking books and paperback fiction.  Also quite likely one of my laptops, 
complete with software and such, and maybe a desktop as well.  Six computers 
is getting crowded.

My neighbor is at 4013 Christopher Way in Plano, just off Coit north of 
Legacy and south of Hedgcoxe, north side of the street.  She said the sale 
will run from 8:00am until 1:00pm-ish, and please do NOT bother her earlier! 
I know she will have a washing machine, a love seat, some other furniture, 
children's clothing and toys.

Arianne, this means we'll have to start sewing later on Saturday, or do it 
on Sunday.

                                        ---= f/k/a  "little Morgan"

"Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent
 to the dark place where it leads."                          ---= Erica Jong
"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
                    ---= Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898), Alice in Wonderland 

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