[Steppes] Weary thanks from the Feast Steward of the Lindenwood Masked Ball

alkudsi at aol.com alkudsi at aol.com
Sun Jun 26 22:56:41 PDT 2005

Someone, please knock sense into me if I volunteer to cook for an event in the summer again!??
Actually, I loved feeding the people that came to the event.  It was gratifying to see the food disappear but not completely, so even though we had around 60 people, we still had food to send home with folks who wanted it.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank several people publically again:
HL Suzanna for help both on the work day and the event day for lots of things -- too many to list here. Not to mention her husband Ld Agilwulf and the two kids for their help on the work day.
Sir Laasguard for being himself...seems like everytime I turned around needing something, he was there.
Lady Ker Megan -- OK, Pyro -- the best kitchen help you can ever have! Plus, great at taking the aches out of necks and feet when you need it!
Lord Cailin and Lord Jaque for standing over hot grills on a typical hot June day and cooking 290 kabobs.  
Lady Sunnifa for giving me the opportunity to do this again, on a smaller scale than the last time I did it (which was a Steppes 12th Night). Also for the support, encouragement, and roses!
Lady Maria for all the help EVERYWHERE.
And always, my grateful thanks to my Laurel, Mistress Kalida and her gallant husband Sir Thorkel, without whose help I could never have gotten it all done at all, much less on time.
There were also so many people who helped at one time or another, several whom I didn't know or can't remember their names...such as Corwin's new bride and her son who were so helpful...who popped into the kitchen and did things that needed doing.
I will now go back to sleep, and try and remember my name again!
Honorable el-Sayyidda Saqra al-Kudsi

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