[Steppes] Gulf war travelers coming home

Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio chiara at io.com
Sun Mar 20 06:54:18 PST 2005

The week was fill with many things, all good. We were victorius in
many places, some had points to them.

The Ansteorran gates are incredible, flaming torches now grace the
towers, torches like no other in the known world. You will
understand once I post my pictures late tonight.

Fritz, Catrin and I are on the road now. We will be home shortly
with so many stories it will fill an entire evening of sitting down
and having a celebration in the next couple of weeks. Plans are
being made for a gathering just so we can share all our stories. :)

You should be proud of your members of the Guard that went to Gulf.
Those that did not fight, volunteered all their waking hours to help
many other volunteers make the event be a success.

Vivat the Steppes Baronial Guard!!

... more later about the fighting unit. :)

Your Captain,

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