[Steppes] May Populace Meeting

ylwrose2 at juno.com ylwrose2 at juno.com
Sun May 15 05:14:01 PDT 2005

It's only six days away.!

May Populace is at the home shared by HL Francesca and Arcus Jaque the
Spink with Ld Andre and Ld Dante.  The date is May 20 and the address is
1130 N Cottonwood Dr, Richardson, Texas, 75080.  We are roughly 1/4 mile
NE of the intersection of Arapaho Road and Coit Road (2003 Mapsco 6X).
Take your best route to the intersection of Arapaho Rd and Coit Rd. 
Proceed East 1/10 mile and take the first left that turns onto a street. 
This is Cottonwood.  Proceed North just over 2/10 miles, past Cherokee,
Cheyenne and Chippewa.  Ours is the fourth house on the right, with the
black hand rail up the front porch.
There will be a grill available for cooking.  The back yard is large and
well shaded, so I hope the weather is nice enough to hold Populace
outside.  There is no smoking in the house, but there will be an area
outside for the smokers, with sand pots for the ashes.

In Service to the Dream
HL Francesca

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