[Steppes] Middle eastern dance

willowjonbardc at juno.com willowjonbardc at juno.com
Tue May 24 02:19:03 PDT 2005

Hi Everyone.

Yes, we are having Middle Eastern dance on Wednesday at Pyro and Caelin's house, starting at 7:00. We will be doing some warm up dancing to get ourselves ready for the Hafla Saturday night at Warlord. If anyone has questions about what to do or wear to a Hafla you may come to the class or you may call or write me. 

A Hafla is a middle eastern Party. It is social dancing.  Much of our time ladies of the Middle East wore tunics that looked very much like our under dresses. A light dress with a hip scarf would be fine to dance in. The hip scarf could be a simple piece of fabric. I have attached some pictures to look at. This is a joyful occasion celebrating Lord Corwin's Wedding it is not a A&S competition. Everyone is welcome come in what you have. Since this is a party it would  be fun if you came with your bells and jewels and pretty colors, I will be promoting some individual dance for short periods of times so bring your favorite veils and props. 
Duchess Willow de Wisp

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