[Steppes] frantic and panicked

HLy Katya HLKatya at chronicler.sca.org
Sat Mar 19 06:06:00 PST 2005

Howdy, your chronicler here....

I'm just a bit nervous... (teeth chatter) and a bit scared (hands begin to
shake) about this month's newsletter. (shrill scream is heard from
somewhere close)

I have received zero reports (no kidding, none!) from officers for April's
newsletter.  I have one article, a Da'ud Bob and the advert for Warlord. 
That's it folks.

While, I have no problem with a thin newsletter, it doesn't properly
reflect the activity and involvement levels that are out there.  If you
are an officer, get me a blurb.  It doesn't have to be miles long; a quick
paragraph or two is adequate.  If you know an officer, remind them to send
something.  Better yet, give them some ideas of what to write about:
meeting times and locations, who has been coming, projects or activities
that are the focus of concentration.

I will accept reports through midnight on the 21st.  That is the absolute
latest I can work with.

Thank you for your prompt response.


hlkatya at chronicler.sca.org

Many hands make light work.

Don't think of it as hard work.
Think of it as accomplishing a task
while sweating, laughing, and hanging out with friends.

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