[Steppes] Mailing list status

Corwin mag Eoin corwinmageoin at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 14 20:42:58 PDT 2005

I can appreciate both sides of the discussion.  It is just as easy to "verify the addy"  to be certain that it is not accidentally cross posted to an inappropriate list as it is to have to make sure that it is not going to the last person posting.
However it does seem that to use standards that work universally would be a good idea.  In the technical world writers and editors respect the standards that exist and while they may see the need (or have a desire to) change these standards,  it is almost universally accepted that these changes should be approached on a "global" level.  
It is my opinion that we should leave those changes to the v. scribes and said v.scribes should work together to implement changes so that the greatest benefit is served.

Long term lurker, occasional poster.

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