[Steppes] Saturday demo at Cinemark Legacy in Plano, May 7th

Trish Kvamme ladyoftherose at hotmail.com
Mon May 9 08:22:15 PDT 2005

Saturday about 10 fighters plus 20 of us as a support crew did a demo at 
Cinemark Legacy in Plano, which is where Lady Icia is a manager on site.

We were a test team to see how well we could integrate with the other clubs 
who regularly participate in recruitment and information days at this 
theatre.  Also present was the Star Wars local group and a comic book club.

Lady Icia has advised us that Cinemark Legacy in Plano is very amicable to 
letting us do demos whenever we find a movie that somehow relates to us or 
when we just happen to feel the need to do a demo.

They were also very gracious in giving us water and soda throughout the day, 
as well as inviting the demo crew to see the movie on the house.

The theory on the demo I used was that we were there to not promote the 
movie, which was awesome, but to promote the SCA and the various things we 

We had some in 11th century all the way through Elizabethan.  We had Western 
European as well as Japanese and Middle Eastern.

We had a lovely A&S table (thank you Maggie) as well as Her Excellency our 
Baroness, Lady Gerita and others doing arts projects.

We utilized music that would capture the imagination of the passersby that 
is medieval in concept but that they could relate too.  Conan, Warcraft, you 
get the picture.  This music was next to the fighting field and it drew in 
people who have an emotional attachment to the music to come closer and see 
what the fighters were up too. ( a trick I learned in my marketing co ed 
fraternity many years ago...shhhh ;)...)

>From there we were able to talk to them about what we do, and show our arts 
and other interests.

It worked really well.  I was happy with the results.

Our Baronial Hospitaller Katheryn was there and she was awesome and 
enthusiastic as ever.  What we did was have rovers in the crowds and a few 
of us did spotting for interested people giving us second and third glances, 
and sent over Kathryn, Steph, Isabel or Rixande who are really great at 
answering newcomers questions.  The Ladies all did fantastic!

The theatre provided us with some of their crowd control stands which made 
an awesome and stable list field.  We brought out alot of period chairs and 
did our best to make it look like a busy tournament.

We handed out over 400 fliers and had people asking for more as we packed up 
at 5 ish.
Next time, I think 1000 is in order.  We did not find one flier left on the 
ground as we packed up, this is a good sign indeed :)

The goal of this crew was to make a connection with the Cinemark Legacy in 
Plano for us to have a amicable, friendly and warm relationship so that The 
Barony of the Steppes has an available movie site for demos with movie 
openings, or just on afternoons when we think it would be a great 

With Star Wars coming out, as well as Zorro and some other summer films that 
look to draw huge numbers, this would be a great chance for us as a Barony 
to bring in new membership and new blood.

Lady Icia worked really hard to make this happen for the SCA, we were given 
the prime site next to the movie lines and entrance/exits.

With the Friday demo doing so well and the Saturday demo being also 
extremely successful, we all should be back in good demo form, I hope that 
the Barony will utilize this great source and connection Lady Icia has made 

Thank you to Their Excellencies for the support and participation, to the 
Steppes and Elfsea people who came out, and most especially thank you to my 
Husband Earl Sir Duncan and his squires and men at arms for coming out in 
such numbers and being such a handsome crew of men that attracted ladies 
from far and wide.  Most especially thank you for fighting on concrete non 
stop for 4 hours, I know it was uncomfortible.

Thank you to Lady Elizabeta for the connection she helped make with the Star 
Wars people and our Barony, they were very interested and felt very welcome 
because of your knowledge of their group.

And thank you Lady Icia for the great opportunity you have made available 
for the Barony.  You are awesome!

Duchess Larissa. OL, OP

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