[Steppes] Friday's Steppes Kingdom of Heaven demo

Julie Cunningham juliecunningham65 at yahoo.com
Tue May 10 06:46:43 PDT 2005

Greetings everyone!  We had a fantastic demo at the Kingdom of Heaven!
I wanted to post a quick thank you to the many who showed up to display their talents, share their knowledge, and welcome potential newcomers.  Seven large tables held many interesting items for people to explore inside the theater .Dancing demonstrations captivated movie-goers inside while the fighters staged some magnificent fighting outside near the front entry. Just about everyone was engaging folks as they wandered up to observe (I was very proud of you all)
In no particular order, here is the list of attendees.  If you are not mentioned here or if I have your name displayed incorrectly, please humbly accept my apologies.  Feel free to hit reply and add your name so you can receive your proper word fame. 
Thanks to their Graces Miguel and Conal, Her Grace Willow, HE Valeria and HE Mahdi, Mistress Serena and Master Robin, HL Ciard, HE Borek, HL Francesca, HL Chiara, Centurian Morgan, HL Genevieve, Lady Allessandra, Lord Geoffrey, Justinian, Lord Bre'nain and Lady Anne,  Lady Torin and her son Connor, HL Donnel, Lord Alvin, Aguilwulf the Loud,  Simone Ui' Dunlaingh, HL Guillaume and HL Isabeau, HL Helene,  Lord Frank the Illeterate Scribe and Lady Isabel de Tournelles du Pin, Gaylen, Weston and Genov Olson, Lady Siobahan and Lady Lineya.  
Big thanks also to HL Ironwyrm for letting me in and out of the locker to get tables and such for the demo.  Thanks Simone for posting the pictures as well at  http://kyiare.bebo.com

Over 150 flyers were passed out Friday night, with several people signing our contact list and a few promising to attend either Elfsea Springfaire or Steppes Warlord. May we soon see the fruits of our labor.  Thanks again everyone!
Yours in service
Lady Katheryn Cunningghame
Steppes Hospitaler

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