[Steppes] Collecting at business meeting for the Gleann Abhann Katrina Relief Team

Julie Cunningham juliecunningham65 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 08:47:26 PDT 2005

Greetings - here I have forwarded what was requested....
The Gleann Abhann Relief Team expressed a need for "everything." However, we're sure that there are people with needs in both Kingdoms.  If you wish to donate gift cards, please choose a national chain of vendors.  If you wish to donate goods, we suggest:
 * bottled water
 * non-perishable food items (such as):
     infant formula & food
     easy-prep foods (as cooking may be limited)
 * basic first aid supplies
 * personal hygiene products (such as):
     toilet paper
     laundry soap
     feminine hygiene products
     diapers & wipes
     contact solution
     shaving gear
     brushes & combs
     anti-bacterial gels
 * kitchen ware (such as):
     trash bags
     can openers (for canned goods)
     pots & pans
     disposable dinnerware
     paper towels
     ziploc bags
 * clothing (all ages and sizes) & shoes
     new socks and undergarments
 * bedding & towels
 * candles & matches
 * flashlights & batteries
 * storage containers, overnight bags, etc.
 * household cleaning supplies & gloves

 Furthermore, we'd recommend against donating the following items:DO NOT BRING
 * alcoholic beverages
 * propane/gasoline/etc.
 * perishable foods (such as milk, bread & eggs)
I will be at business meeting on Tuesday night (tomorrow) at New New Buffet in Carrollton if you wish to donate anything.  My hopes are that anything donated will make its way to Sarah for distribution in the Gleann Abhann next week.  So far, we have over 6 boxes of stuff! 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 214-284-8855.
Yours in Service
Lady Katheryn (Katie Bob)


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