[Steppes] Eastern Steppes Meeting:

Ironwyrm ironwyrm at housearkham.com
Mon Oct 3 12:04:34 PDT 2005

Greetings all,
After much discussion & debate I am glad to announce our 
first Eastern Steppes Meeting is to be held this Thursday 
7-10 PM at the home of Lady Alienor & Guyjin San.  
Of course the meeting is open to all, but specifically targeted  
toward those members of Steppes living east of 45 whom are 
experiencing problems attending our regular Steppes business 
meeting (and other activities) due to the travel & time required 
to attend. 
This meetings purpose is to bring those folks up to speed on 
our Steppes business meeting's agenda so they may continue 
to actively participate within their own Barony.  
Alienor request no pot luck, no smoking within the house, 
remember they have cats (so please don't bring dogs), no 
garb, and that all attending be prepared to be tossed out 
of the house at ten o'clock!
The address is 2910 San Medina, Dallas 75228 (that's very 
close to the border where Dallas, Garland and Mesquite all 
met) and the phone number is 972-613-1312.
(Please note this is not an official SCA, nor baronial 
sponsored meeting.)
Pass the word, and we hope to see you there!
Posted on behalf of Eastern Steppes,

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