[Steppes] A death in our family

AlKudsi@aol.com AlKudsi at aol.com
Tue Oct 4 16:27:39 PDT 2005

Yep, the years really pass quick, don't they?  John is in his 20s now -- he 
was at Warlord with Lazarus, hmm, maybe two years ago.  He thanked me for 
having the gall to spank him as a child when he misbehaved!  He said, it taught him 

Gwyneth was not only a good musician, she was a superb embroiderer.  I can 
remember a piece of gold work she did that took my breath away.  Both she and 
Lazarus were among the earliest Oaks, too, I believe.

Maybe we should start having a memorial time at Warlord for those who have 
passed during the year...?


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