[Steppes] Directions for December populace.

averial jackson averialj at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 7 08:22:46 PST 2006

When is Populace?    Since it's in Little Elm, I might be able to attend and catch up with old friends.

> From: alasdair at bmhanson.net> To: steppes at lists.ansteorra.org> Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 09:16:42 -0600> Subject: [Steppes] Directions for December populace.> > Greetings to all. Since populace for December has been scheduled at our house, I am being proactive and posting the address and directions to the house. I will most likely post these next week also as a reminder and in case someone did not get them the first time. The address is as follows:> > 605 Aqua Dr> Little Elm, Texas 75068> > I have tried to provide as complete and accurate directions as possible and from different directions, but in case they are unclear and you are in need of someone to talk you in for a landing, please do not hesitate to call us at 214-618-0181. > > Also here are a couple links (full and Tiny URL) to Google Maps for our house. Feel free to utilize it for driving directions as well. If the Tiny URL does not work for you please cut and paste the full one. You remember that you may have to piece it back together as it is it will most likely span lines and break up the URL.> > http://tinyurl.com/vrrkf> > http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=605+aqua+dr,+little+elm+texas+75068&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=15&ll=33.171935,-96.930013&spn=0.021122,0.061111&iwloc=addr> > > From Plano/Frisco and other parts SE:> > Take your favorite route to Highway 121 and Dallas North Tollway. Go north on the tollway (or its access road Dallas Parkway). (If you took the tollway do not fear, it ends just past 121. At that point you will be on the access road passing the current tollway construction along with everyone who took 121.) Now you will keep going north on the access road till you get to main street in Frisco. If you get past all the construction for the tollway northern expansion you went too far. Now turn west (left) onto Main St. Go until you get to 423. There will be an Albertson’s on the left hand side. Turn right onto 423. At the next light 720 splits to the left and 423 goes to the right. You will want to take 720 left. The next light will be Eldorado and you will want to turn left on it. Keep going till you get to Hart (it will be a light). Go past Hart and the 2nd street on the right is Hillside Beach. Turn right onto Hillside Beach and go down to the stop sign. This is Lakeshore and you will turn right. You will then go and turn right onto Hillside Beach again. The first right is Aqua Dr and we are the second house on the left.> > > From Lewisville and parts SW:> > Take your favorite route to Highway 121 and go east. You will turn north (left) onto 423 (Main street in The Colony). Keep going through The Colony. Once past town the road will go down to one lane and there will be a stop light at Lebanon. Be warned this is an evil corner and traffic can back up in the evenings. Keep going straight through the light. The next light is Main street (Frisco) and there is an Albertson’s on the right. Do not fear, you have not gone too far. Keep going and at the next light 720 splits to the left and 423 goes to the right. You will want to take 720 left. The next light will be Eldorado and you will want to turn left on it. Keep going till you get to Hart (it will be a light). Go past Hart and the 2nd street on the right is Hillside Beach. Turn right onto Hillside Beach and go down to the stop sign. This is Lakeshore and you will turn right. You will then go and turn right onto Hillside Beach again. The first right is Aqua Dr and we are the second house on the left.> > > From McKinney and parts NE (if you want to come across 380):> > Take your favorite route to Highway 380 and go west. You will then turn south (left) onto 423. Go until you get to Eldorado. There will be a Lowes on your right hand side. Turn right onto Eldorado. Keep going until you get to Hart (it will be a light). Go past Hart and the 2nd street on the right is Hillside Beach. Turn right onto Hillside Beach and go down to the stop sign. This is Lakeshore and you will turn right. You will then go and turn right onto Hillside Beach again. The first right is Aqua Dr and we are the second house on the left.> > > From Denton and all parts NW:> > Take your favorite route to Highway 380 and go east. You will then turn south (right) onto 720. Keep going till it curves around and cross the bridge into Little Elm. Keep going. You will pass City Hall and the fire station. And what I believe is 3 streets on the left should be Hillside Beach. (If you hit the light at Hart you went too far.) From there you will turn left onto Hillside Beach and go down to the stop sign. This is Lakeshore and you will turn right. You will then go and turn right onto Hillside Beach again. The first right is Aqua Dr and we are the second house on the left.> > Clear as mud??> > Regards,> Alasdair> _______________________________________________> Steppes mailing list> Steppes at lists.ansteorra.org> http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/steppes-ansteorra.org
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