[Steppes] Queen?s/Masque: Last Thoughts Before the Event

Craig Shupee' philipwhite at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 26 15:51:39 PDT 2006

Still haven’t made plans? Some few last minute questions?

Look here first: http://www.ansteorra.org/events/queens/


We will be in the *Senter East* Shelter and building. Do not be tempted to 
go to the Senter *West* Recreation Center. You will see this first.  It is a 
large complex. And it is *not* where the event is.  This is for overflow 
parking and for showers at the public pool. Remind your friends to watch 


Please map it yourself and look at the map on the internet. Do not make 
assumptions. We will do our best to have directional signs available but we 
do not have staff available to make sure that neighborhood kids do not nock 
them down. Expect construction on MacArthur. Please be responsible for 
yourself in arriving on site and we will be very happy to welcome you.

Correct Directions:

Make your best way to Hwy 183 West of I-35E in Irving, TX. Exit MacArthur 
Blvd and turn South. Turn East on Shady Grove Rd. Turn North on Senter St. 
Turn East on Senter Valley. Turn South onto Chamberlain and proceed into 
park. Physical address: 228 Chamberlain, Irving, TX.

When you turn North on Senter Street you will be tempted to turn left into 
the Senter West Recreation Center area. This is *not* where we are holding 
the event. Rather, this is the area we may use for over flow parking and 
where you may want to shower off. You must take a right (East) onto Senter 
Valley and continue on to the event. When you first turn onto Senter from 
Shady Grove you should be able to see the event and the park across a flood 
way from the road.


Remember parking is very limited directly next to the hall. Please carpool. 
If we have overflow issues we will do our best to help you with 
transportation between Senter East and Senter West. Practically speaking 
they are about four blocks apart.


Remember we have an indoor air conditioned hall *but* many of the day’s 
activities are out doors.  Be prepared for heat. Bring your chairs and a 
small pavilion if you like – carpets are fun too. We are expecting 
temperatures over 100 degrees and 20% humidity. Take care of yourself and 
those around you.


Don’t forget your blue card.  Don’t forget your fighter cards. Don’t forget 
you amour and mask and A&S display. Remember to bring a dessert for the 
evening and make plans to eat with friends or bring yourself food for dinner 
before court and the ball.

I have even more questions! What do I do???

Email or call me.  Review the website. Simply ask and we will help you out.

M. Philip White (Craig Shupeé)
1101 S. Thornbush Circle
Arlington, TX
817-313-7575 or
philipwhite at hotmail.com

Remember to have fun.  Remember to help each other out. Remember to offer 
assistance to those in need and remember to thank those who help you out.  
You’ll have a great time. And don’t forget to smile!

Your servant to Command,

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