[Steppes] Lost at Warlord

Christine/Maria casadevaca at charter.net
Thu Jun 8 11:30:43 PDT 2006


On Saturday I mistakenly left 3 of my dishes in the hall.  I went to the
hall Sunday morning to retrieve them and they were not where I left them. I
asked everyone in the hall, if anyone may have seen them and they had not.
I even asked Master Caelin if they may have been packed with his things from
the Vigil. I spent many hours painting my plates and would love to have them

The are cleasr glass dishes. The outer rims are painted gold with blue and
red stripes.  Int the center of one is a running rabbit painted gold, the
other 2 were left blank.

If you have them, would you please contact me?

Thank you!

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