[Steppes] Transport about the Steppes

Art Chik jagcom16 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 28 19:55:49 PDT 2006

Greetings all.  I moved dwon here from Whyte Whey a while back, and have been lurking on the list rather than participating in local SCAdian events because I haven't burdened myself with one of those modern car things yet, and I haven't really noticed any activities accessible from the trainline.  Are there any general activities or specialized ones (such as calligraphy, illumination, costuming or brewing) accessible by train?  If not, is there someone from downtown Dallas or who passes thru there on the way to activities who would be willing to port another SCAdian to local events?  If so, please let me know.  Many thanks!
  Befind Fh.oltchaem

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