[Steppes] Golden Key garb

AlKudsi at aol.com AlKudsi at aol.com
Wed May 31 00:32:12 PDT 2006

Well, I can tell you that in my more than 25 years in THIS barony, we've 
never intentionally given away garb or sold it to newcomers.  I've been 
Hospitaller twice, and during my terms, we always lent garb to newcomers for a single 
event.  Of course, sometimes we didn't get it back.  I distinctly remember 
several ladies going through their sewing rooms, and running up 4 or 5 tunics 
before big events like Warlord and I've sewn on trim and made T-tunics to 
contribute, myself, when the chests were rather empty.  I've also given the Barony a 
number of my own pieces when I (unfortunately) could no longer fit in them or 
when I changed from my original Norman persona to my current Middle Eastern.  
This having too MUCH is sort of new problem to my awareness.

Personally, my opinion follows much to the point that Lady Katheryn made 
earlier in that getting them sewing their own is a good way to increase their 
interest and getting them interested in researching various periods of time.  If 
they want to buy one the late period outfits that are so bulky and limiting, I 
say let them, but I don't think we should be getting into the costuming 
business by giving costumes away.  There are a number of merchants who sell garb who 
we would be taking bread from, as well.  

HL Saqra

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