[Steppes] Brew Night - This Wednesday :D

Michael & Crystal Lemming portofun at ticnet.com
Mon Jan 9 14:13:37 PST 2006

Greetings to the fine folk of the Steppes!


This is your reminder that we will be having a brew night for all those
interested this Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.  Experienced brewers are encouraged
to come and share their knowledge.  New brewers are encouraged come and
learn some time-saving techniques and interesting tips from the pros.  


We have all the supplies for putting down a big batch of mead.  Bring extra
pots and Cajun cookers if you want to make beer or your own batch of mead.
The mead we're putting down Wednesday may either go to Gulf War or Warlord
depending on how fast it ferments.


Call if you have questions:  469-744-4957.


In fun,


Duke Miguel


2125 Los Rios Blvd

Plano, TX 75074


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