[Steppes] OT: Dog Missing (not mine this time)

traci@crimsonvision.net traci at crimsonvision.net
Fri Apr 21 09:22:46 PDT 2006

Posting for Lady Allessandra.  Her Welsh Corgi Guiness dissapeared this morning after slipping through a closed gate.  He did not have his collar on as he was just given a bath.  She's asked me to post a heads up to the list as she is understandably desperate to find him.

She lives on Lawton Drive in Dallas; it's south of Dallas an off of Loop 12 and 175 East.

I've called Lady Gerita and she is altering the rescues in the area.

Here is a link to his Dogster page which has several pictures of him on it for your reference: http://www.dogster.com/pet_page.php?i=300417

Please email me for phone numbers if needed.

Thank you,

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