[Steppes] Warlord, something to think about

Jay Rudin rudin at ev1.net
Mon Apr 23 12:01:32 PDT 2007

HL Catalina wrote:

> We could have A&S (Artisan) going on Saturday at the same time as Rapier
> Fighting. Especially if we stopped requiring that A&S contestants stay 
> with
> their display all day long.

A small correction: there is no rule that entrants *must* stay at their 
displays (although some judges wish them to.)  Steppes Artisan is the only 
big artisan competition that *allows* the entrants to stay at their displays 
and talk to the judges.  This is so popular that it has become custom for 
all the artisans to in fact stay there, but that's because it's a wonderful, 
unique opportunity to spend the day talking about their arts.

It's the one event in the year that they get to do what fighters do at every 
tourney -- hang around the list field talking about what they do.

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin 

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