[Steppes] Regional 12th night event

Brent Ryder borekvv at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 8 07:00:44 PDT 2007

Howdy all,

I am gathering thoughts and information for a possible bid for the regional 
12th night event. If you are interested in doing something for the event or 
have an idea for a theme, please email me and let me know so I can see if I 
can put together a bid before the deadline.

My thoughts for a theme was something along the lines of fellowship since 
this is going to be a cooperative event across the region. Not sure how to 
implement such a theme, but I am sure others might have some thoguhts or 
alternate suggestions for a theme.

For a feast, I was looking at a simple English style affair. Good food, 
filling, easy to prepare and something that will be well received by a 
majority of the populace. Anyone interested in preparing a menu and budget 
for serving 2-300 on such a menu is encouraged to do so.

Please forward this to any group list in the region as I do not belong to 
them all

Thanks for your time and interest


HE Borek Vitalievich Volkov CB, CSM, OOS, Star Emeritus
Apprentice to Sheik Da'ud ibn Auda, al-Jamal Herald, OL, OP, Lion

In seeking Wisdom, the first stage is silence, the second is listening, the 
third remembrance, the fourth practicing, the fifth teaching. -
Solomon Gabirol, c. 1045

The supreme happiness of life is
the conviction of being loved for yourself,
or more correctly, being loved in spite of yourself.
                               ~Victor Hugo~

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