[Steppes] ahhh...pleasent Benbrook...about Irish Gaelic

jake curda jakecurda at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 21 23:26:41 PDT 2007

Benbrook is in the great Canton of Loch Rua....(and forgive me I belieave I am useing a modern spelling of the word for red....).....and It is just outside of Fort Worth.......I could throw a stone and hit the darn city from my house.......for those a bit more knowledge of roads and highways, I am located just off of Hw. 377 South going to Grandburry........I provided the physical adress so you could just pop it into mapquest or what ever you use.....but once again the adress is....
  228 Vista Way
  Benbrook Tx., 76126
  and as for the library of books in dual period Irish and English......that would be amazeing to look at and read.....it would allow a good grasp at seeing just how much the language has changed.....like I said I hope to eventualy move into period Irish....but for right now it is easyer to find books on modern Irish....one step at a time, as an old Japanese teacher once said to me........and yes....we all rather like it refered to as Irish and not Gaelic....lol....the Scotts have dibbs on the just Gaelic thing.....when one finds a book on Gaelic, it is always Scots Gale.......
  and the book we will be useing can be found online with little effort, and you can even buy it with audio cd's, which is the copy I have....so we can listen to them as we work through the book.......and it is "Teach Yourself Irish" by Diarmuid O Se and Joe Sheils........I also have an Irish-English/English-Irish dictionary that I happened across but alas have never ben able to run across anouther copy.......it is put out as part of the Robert Referance Library by the Roberts publishing company.....I have a copy, but if anyone can locate one let me know becouse I could stand to have one more on hand.......I happened apon my Teach Yourself Irish at a Barns and Noble.....but your best bet is to get it online....I know amazon carries it...and I will leave a link to the book here........ http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/104-2011820-6303905?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=teach+yourself+Irish&Go.x=9&Go.y=20
  I am getting more excited about this as the days go by......I think we will all have a lot of fun...... and by the way, Quill.....you have no choice.....I will see you here on the 14th......I will come get you if I have to........this is in part your fault too, lol........
  of there are any more question please e-mail me.....and I will post reminders as we draw closer to the first meet....... so till then, Slante go an caithair deach....(cheers to the 14th)
  Slante agus Slan go foill, mo chardai
  (cheers adn goodbye, my friends)

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