[Steppes] NTIF Demo

ylwrose2 at juno.com ylwrose2 at juno.com
Tue Feb 13 19:27:04 PST 2007


I have 4 kind gentles who have committed to working the booth at this
demo, and 1 volunteer to work the fighting demo.  I have 0 committed
fighters (there are 3 tentative chivalric fighters).  I have one artisan
who has committed to bring items for display.

Could more of you please let me know what day(s) you can commit to
working.  The donation I spoke of earlier for half-price passes has been
confirmed, so if you can commit to working our booths with a two hour
break to tour the Festival, you can get in free (with the exception of

With the permission of their Excellencies of both Steppes and Elfsea, I
have invited Elfsea to join us for this demo.  

I look forward to having enough folk speak up that I will have to make a
schedule of who works what day.  Remember, many hands make light work.

In Service

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