[Steppes] Lindenwood Business Meeting and meet the Candidates

vmarsh at twmarsh.net vmarsh at twmarsh.net
Wed Feb 28 09:49:52 PST 2007

Mistress Xene here: 

You are all cordially invited to attend the Lindenwood Business meeting tonight in Midlothian. We have also invited all the Baronial candidates and Their Excellencies of Steppes to join us. 

Many thanks to HL Maili Donnel and Lord Alvin for volunteering their home. I hope many of the members of Steppes will attend, so they can meet the Canton and listen to the words of the candidates. 

The Barony of the Steppes is a very large area geographically and we know that it's a long drive. We hope this will be enlightening and fun for all who attend. Bring munchies and drinks to share and enjoy the camaraderie of our fine Barony. If you get lost, my cell phone number is 469-879-5762. The directions were in a previous e-mail from Donnel. 

Thank you, 

Xene Theriane 
Seneschal of the Canton of Lindenwood, Barony of the Steppes

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