[Steppes] Lindenwood business and Baronial selection.

Vicki Marsh vmarsh at twmarsh.net
Sun Feb 4 13:20:10 PST 2007

Greetings unto the Barony of the Steppes and our sister Canton, Glaslyn,

Could we have the letters of intent along with pictures of the candidates
posted on the Steppes web page? I'm sure that many would like to see this
information and that it is a right and proper thing to put on the Baronial
web page.

Also, many thanks go to those candidates who have remembered that the
Cantons are also part of this great Barony.  We do what we can to support
the Barony of the Steppes and our sister Canton (and other out-lying areas)
and always appreciate those who help us in turn.

The next Business meeting for the Canton of Lindenwood will be on Wednesday,
February 21st, 7:30 pm at my house in Cedar Hill. I would like to personally
invite all the candidates for the Baronial Selection along with Their
Excellencies, Duke Mahdi and Duchess Valeria, to attend our meeting and talk
to our members.

302 Sweetgum Drive, Cedar Hill, TX 75104

On Saturday, February 17th, I plan on attending the Baronial Storage Shed
unloading and re-packing. I would invite any interested persons to attend
with me. Hopefully, we will have good weather. We need to decide what to do
with our stuff and whether or not we are going to leave it in storage in
Addison or move it closer to where the populace of Lindenwood actually
lives. That is one of the topics that will be discussed on Wed. Feb. 21st.

The other items that will be discussed on that evening will be that I am
stepping down as Seneschal as soon as a replacement can be found. Grad
school is kicking my b**t, so I need to back off SCA for a while. I'm
opening up bids for my office and will close them at the March 21st meeting.
I also would like bids for hosting the Business meeting in March. (Yes, it's
after Gulf Wars).

Also, in speaking with Lady Gwen this last weekend, as we frantically worked
on the EOY financial reports, she also needs to step down from her office as
Canton Exchequer. Lady Gwen has done a fine job, but is expecting a little
boy in the next two months and will have her hands full.

We are accepting bids for the Exchequer's office and will close the bids at
the March 21st meeting as well.

Is anyone else interested in changing jobs? Stepping down due to
work/schedule/family needs? Please let me know *before* it becomes an issue.

I'm also opening up bids for this next year's event. Last year, we held the
Believe It or Not event - which was great fun, full of classes and
camaraderie. We also hosted Britta's Queen's Championship along with our
traditional Midsummer's Masque and Ball. We did not have our other
traditional event, Border Wars, but there was some interest.

Our coffers have improved greatly and we have added many new folks in the
southernmost reaches of the Barony. We have had a great deal of interest
from people in Ennis, Waxahachie, and Red Oak and the locus of our group has
continued to reach further and further south. We were able to have the zip
codes for Cedar Hill and Midlothian transferred from the Barony proper to
the Canton last year. Now that we have more members in Waxahachie and Ennis,
we may want to consider releasing our northernmost zip codes back to the
Barony or to Glaslyn. We can do this and negotiate at the same time for the
Ellis County zip codes, *should the populace so wish it and the Baronial and
Kingdom leadership allow it.* Please send me your thoughts on this matter if
you live in any of these areas.

In Service to Crown and Kingdom,

Mistress Xene Theriane
Seneschal, Canton of Lindenwood

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