[Steppes] An informal poll and February Populace

April Page alpage1225 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 15 09:23:18 PST 2007

Constance Elizabeth Campbell <constance.e.campbell at gmail.com> wrote:   
Please note that whatever is decided, not everyone is going to be happy.
This comes with growing paines. My request is this: Please keep an
open mind with people's ideas and please don't shoot them down at the first
suggestion of doing something different. I've heard a lot of negative
comments when it comes to changing sites (not just for Warlord, but for
other events too) comments like: "We can't use this site for this reason, or
we can't do this at this site, so it just won't work." Why can't we just
try and give it a chance. Who knows, it might just work, and people might
even have a good time.


Thank you, my lady, for your gentle reminder that we all need to "play nice" together.  In a discussion such as this, all comments and suggestions should be considered and discussed without anyone responding in a manner that is neither productive nor polite.
  Elizabeth Seale

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