[Steppes] Sterppes Fighter Practice 01-21-2007

Mike meggiddo at netzero.net
Sat Jan 20 10:32:48 PST 2007


12 Hour War has been postpone due to weather. The forecast for Sunday is

"No Rain! and the temperature has been forecast to be in the 50's",

a true Warm Spell if there is one - and the ground in the park does 
drain extremely well - might be wet, but no standing water where 
practice is held at as oppose to the majority of other parks in the 
Dallas area that I have visited and reviewed as secondary sites.

Steppes Fighter Practice will be held tomorrow, Sunday - 01-21-2007. And 
if you have not seen the email from Sir Morgan, a visiting knight from 
Caid is in the area, so come out and let's greet this knight and all play.

Good gentles - there are only so many more opportunities before Gulf 
Wars is here. Come out and start to prepare yourselves for the War.

Gasyln and Lindenwood - come out and join the Barony fighters on Sunday, 
which according to the long range forecast might be only moderate day of 
weather for the coming week - for the forecast states lower temperatures 
and possible more rain/snow to come the rest of the week.

Energy drinks may give you a lift, but will not carry you as far,
when compared to water and gatorade.

Remember - Pace yourself!

Everyone needs to bring water to the park. I would recommend
the following:

Please bring at least 1 gallon or more of water and gatorade
to replenish your energy levels if you are in armor and fighting.
Suggested of items you might wish to bring out:
- cold pickles
- oranges - energy bars - etc...
- Bring Chairs for you to sit upon.
- Hats
- This time of year - blankets

Training involves separate levels of heavy fighting -
Basic level to "Good"
Man-At-Arms and/or Squire entry level
Centurion level
Tournament level
Combat Archery

Lord Michael Kettering
Steppes Knight Marshal
Combat Archer for the Condottieri
King's Archer
Steppes Deputy Hospitaler

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