[Steppes] Steppes Artisan XX competitors:Children's

Nancy Chevalier chevalier8278 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 20 22:30:15 PDT 2007

I would like to take this time to ask all of our youth
in the area to seriously consider entering something
in the children's A&S. As of now there are only 3
people registered and I know there are more of you out
there!  Many of you are quite talented and should be
proud of what you do.  Let the rest of us in the
Kingdom know what you do and have interests in.

Parents if you know your child has an interest in A&S
please incurage them to participate.  If you do not
know anything about a subject they are interested in
or don't know where to start with someone their age,
just ask. Posting to the list, asking the MOC or
anyone you know in that field are good starting

These children are the future of our organization.
They are who will continue our traditions and our
knowledge when we are gone. 

Everyone who has/is a MOC, children's activities
volunteer, donated suplies,or just entertained our
youth, pat yourself of the back for contributing to
SCA's future.  And if you've not been told
before-THANK YOU! 

Ldy. Aurelia Yverneau
Canton Glaslyn


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