[Steppes] Highland Games (artisan) Thank You's

Deana Covel dmcovel79 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 5 17:20:02 PDT 2007

First I want to say “Thank you” to the artisans who
attended, donated items, and spoke with  people during
the Highland Games last weekend: Duchess Willow,
Mistress Roslia, Master Darius, HL Auguestina, HL
Rixende, Crandell and Lady Aryen. (and anyone else who
I did not write down)

    Lady Aryen was a wonderful A&S coordinator.  She
arranged a beautiful display with all the donated
items, created a guessing game, showed people how to
inkle weave, and was able to laugh about the rains.
    Duchess Willow’s game tent was a major draw on
Saturday.  Her household did a marvelous job of
showing people Medieval games, the children were
especially entrained by them.  However early morning
rains caused it to collapse on Sunday.
Mistress Roslia’s spinning and HL Auguestia’s
embroidery drew praise and the curious into the tent.

    Thank  you, Ceatta for coordinating such a great
demo, and HL Robin for displaying her beautiful
weaving and other items. 
Also, thanks to everyone who stayed to break down the
site and to all the gentlemen who helped carry my
personal items. 

The barony can be proud of work everyone did at
Highland Games.
In Service,
 Lady Hanna von Dahl
 Elfsea MoAS

PS. The un-named lady at shed un-loading was Lady Rua,
a semi-new transplant from the East. 

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