[Steppes] Warlord Help... Wood & Heralds

TinyGypsyLady tinygypsylady at yahoo.com
Thu May 10 05:55:11 PDT 2007

Good Day to all in the Barony of Steppes,
  I am in need of help from our Barony as well as our wonderful Kingdom.
  If anyone has spare wood laying around they are willing to donate to the Barony, we are in need of it.  For those of you who attended 12th Night, we want to use the "tent" that was designed for the event at Warlord.  Therefore, we need 1"x2" or bigger to help build a more stable frame work.
  Also... I need Heralds for the following:
  *  Camp Cryers (Saturday and Sunday throughout the day)
  *  List Heralds 
  I thank you for any and all help provided.  Pleae post this to other lists.


  Viviana Rowntree
  Oakenwald Pursuivant
  "To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed." Bernard Edmonds

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