[Steppes] Irish Gaelc in Benbrook reminder.....

jake curda jakecurda at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 8 13:44:07 PDT 2007

Greetings to all, Dia Dhuit agus failte, 
  it is once again time for Irish Gaelic classes and this is a reminder that they are to be held this Friday starting at 7-8 o'clock here in Benbrook. once again the classes will be on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Included will be an adress and telephone number so I can be reached if anyone needs further information. It was a small group last time but there was a bit of cunfusion in the air, so I hope to see more people this Friday. Also, if you are on the Elfsea, Loch Rudh, or any other local list please forward this message to them. 
  Go raibh maith agat, mo chardai (thank you, my friends)
  Yagyu (Jacob)
  228 Vista Way
  Benbrook Tx, 76126
  (817) 249-1423
  (home phone so ask for me by my Mun name)

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