[Steppes] last weekend of Oct.

Karen Calhoun KMCalhou at garlandisd.net
Mon Oct 15 06:31:50 PDT 2007

This weekend, a few of us were discussing the notion of caravanning to Elderen Hills' Samhain (pronounced Saw-when) event.  This event is in conflict with our Great Pumpkin Shoot in the southern region of the Steppes.
As an archer, this creates a good deal of conflict:  do I want to go to Eldern and compete or do I want to stay close, shoot with friends and sample pumpkin brews?
I have to say that the pumpkin brews won out.  As I've heard conversation after conversation about the brewing process, I'm really wanting to taste what they've been talking about.  So....
If you are traveling, be safe; if you are staying close, I'll see you there!

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