[Steppes] OLD NEW E-MAIL

Wilkerson, Glen D glen.d.wilkerson at lmco.com
Mon Aug 18 07:12:03 PDT 2008

As some of you already know, I am getting laid off from Lockheed Martin
on August 21 - that means this e-mail address will no longer be good.
My home e-mail is below:


mailto:gdwilkerson at earthlink.net


However, I am currently having some problems with my home computer - I
can receive e-mail, but right now I cannot send out, so until you
actually start getting replies from me with my home e-mail address, if
you want to hear back from me, the best thing to do is leave a phone
number where I can reach you.


My own home phone is 817-467-3932, the machine always picks up.


Thanks everyone, and I hope to hear from you soon.



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